Saturday, November 10, 2012

Tis not quite the season. . .

This is going to be our holiday picture to send out with our cards this Yule.  Fiona was out to visit today and we got the picture.  I am not the photographer my wife is and K was not home, so I snapped 6 or 8 shots and this was the best.  I am more about the memory and everyone looks happy so I am good to go!  It means so much to me that Fi is int he picture with us. That is more important to me than any elaborate setting for the shot or even Lissa standing up properly. LOL (you may have deduced that she was not intending to do that today!

It was a great visit today.  We did some stuff here at home, and we also got to a store and got Fiona a really cute shirt and a neat knitted vest with a faux fur collar. We stopped at the Harvest event at my job also.  I am so lucky.  This may be our Christmas photo but my thanksgiving in my heart is that Fiona is able to be so connected with us.

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