Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Browsing Through Catalogs

It is that time of year when catalogs start to be stuffed into mailboxes.  Sometimes I wonder that our mailbox doesn't just give out under the weight of all that unnecessary mail.  Well, it isn't totally unnecessary.  As a person who hates trolling malls I do use catalogs and the internet for the majority of my shopping.  But my Yule shopping is almost done (except for a few things for the 3 eldest and the stocking stuffers). I was looking through one of the catalogs yesterday for said stocking stuffers.  I try to find silly but slightly unusual and always inexpensive things.  Instead I found a very lovely canvas art that said "Home is where your story begins."

Oh geez.  I realize that mainstream America is not up on the fact that all children do not live with their first family.  Despite the beauty of the art that could NEVER go on my wall.  Which home?  Mine, negating all that happened before they became my beloved children?  Do we say it honors the orphanage that my eldest lived in?  The home my second son was removed from due to serious safety issues? One of his many foster homes?   For the two youngest, placed with me mere days after birth it wouldn't strike an off key chord right now.  But there will come a time when they want to know more and that sentiment would hurt.

I think I'll stick with "Live, Laugh and Love."

1 comment:

Todd said...

Yeah, I like your quote better. I can see how the story *begins* at home, being the first home. I do understand your take on it though. *huggies*