Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fiona's Letter

Yesterday I put the finishing touches on the letter to DSS requesting that Fiona's case be transferred to our locale.  2 pages of details about our life together with Fi and all the reasons I could think of as to how such a move would benefit her.  And in so many ways I think it would.

It also scares me as I don't know all the services and supports that she gets in the Big City and I worry that there may not always be comparable ones in our smaller city.  However there is another city only 20 minutes away that I could bring her to for mental health services.  There are no longer any mental health inpatient services in our city--budget cuts removed those 2 years ago.  But again, there are in the city that is 20 minutes away.  Would she need those services less if she could be with us more?  And at 22 she would not liikely stay in the Big City anyway but go back to a far less wealthy city even farther from us which is where her case originated.  If none of this makes sense, don't worry. These are the mental crazies that  I do at night as I try to visualize many different scenarios and how we would be able to logistically make any one of them work.

Above all, I don't want her 22 and feeling lost and unloved.  I don't want her becoming homeless because she can't manage money or runs off in anger.  I don't know if I can stop all those things, but I feel like if she is not 90 minutes away I have a better shot at helping her succeed.

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