Saturday, July 25, 2009

The life wheel turns

We took a photo walk again this week. The kids had Dr. appts for physicals and KC had multiple shots, poor guy. They needed a tension release but didn't have the energy for a park visit. KC took some neat shots, and this one is one of my favorites. It is sumac and it is turning red early this year. I don't love that because sumac is truly a harbinger of the wheel turning and moving toward the next season. But I like the shot KC saw and took. It is a wee bit embarassing that my 5 y/o is likely all ready a better photographer than I am at 50! LOL
On the other hand, the wheel is also turning for my mom's husband. Ken is likely in the final days of his life. A life that has been rich and full and at 96 the time is drawing close. Family has been and continue to be nearby and with him. Hospice has been amazing and all I hope for is that his passage is peaceful.

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