Thursday, July 2, 2009

Parenting Styles

Last night when we were puddle playing with our park friends it struck me how different our parenting styles are. About some things, we are very simpatico. Neither of us use corporal punishment for instance (duh!) We explain things to our kids. We give choices when possible. But there are some differences that seemed glaring to me last evening. Some of it may be that I am an older parent than my friend. Some of it may be that I am a control freak! LOL Some of it may be that I parent multiple children and she only one at present.

Anyway, we were walking to the pond. There is no sidewalk. Visibility was less than stellar with the rain and cars were coming up the road. Her 2.5 year old was running substantially ahead of her. Far enough to be out of her sight. Gave me the willies. I do this thing where we make a train and little kids get sandwiched between adults or more responsible older kids to make sure no one just darts toward that tantalizing puddle. Or I carry them. Or I pull them in a wagon. But they are never out of my sight.

Also, despite my love of water, I have to hold on to my children when we are near deep water. Especially when we are standing on slippery rocks. IMHO it only takes a second for a misstep to result in tragedy. So I loved the pond and seeing the heron, but I loved stomping in the puddles in the field more. The kids could stomp with abandon (which they did) and be safe about it. Then there was the waterfall. Actually it is an overflow area of the local reservoir. She and her son probably go there all the time so she thinks nothing of climbing over the guard rail and standing on more slippery rocks to float leaves. I am staring at the yawing mouth of the culvert which is where a child will wind up if they slip while doing this, a risk heightened with 3 littles eager to "float" their treasures.

I love doing that stuff at one level. Well, I loved that they had the chance to experience floating the twigs and see what a current does. But it didn't all feel safe to me so I was really REALLY glad when we trekked soggily back to her house for some indoor play.

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