Friday, July 2, 2010

L is for Lissa!

Yahoo!  Lissa is definately learning and retaining letters!  I am sooooo excited.  Since I have been working 1/2 days this week I added a "game" where I wrote 9 letters on 3 by 5 cards.  One card per letter.  6 letters were ones I was reasonably sure she knew, 2 were ones she gets right about half the time and one was a "new" letter that had zero accuracy before the game.  We held the cards up and said the letters together and then I put them on the floor and had her run and jump on a letter as I called it out.   KC thought it looked like fun and joined in. They call it the jumping game and ask for it often now!  LOL  But the other night when we were reading she pointed to an L at long last and said "L is for Lissa."  Whew!  We are on the literary journey at last folks!

1 comment:

GB's Mom said...

It is so good to read of something so wonderful! You go, Lissa! (That was MK's nickname when she was little.)