Monday, October 11, 2010

Family Monday

So not withstanding the whole icky issue of celebrating Columbus Day, I am glad that I had a day off!  We really really enjoy those long weekends and this one was really especially fun.  Somehow we hit that "sweet spot" balance where we got a lot of picky chores done AND had time for fun.  It is easy with a busy life, big old house and such to lose sight of taking time. 

But the extra day, makes it so easy!  We did silly things, like changed the outfit on the stuffed teddy that sits outside our front door.  No longer, is he "back to school" bear.  Nope, he is Robin Bear all set to trick or treat. I'll have to try and remember to take a picture.  We decorated the house for Halloween inside and out. I helped the littles ride bikes.  We read extra stories.  And today we went on a hike.

There is something magical about having a child who packs his own knapsack when we say "hike."  In it goes a sketch pad and pencil and his water bottle and his magnifying glass.  The hike itself was not long in distance but long in time because we took time to feel moss, look at dying ferns with the magnification of his glass, and jump on rocks.

My spirit soars with days like today.  They are a balm for the busy times, the harder times.  And I feel so very blessed.

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