Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jumping from Fall to Winter

This shot was taken this evening.  It is not even November.  Clearly the goddess has a sense of humor.  Me, not so much.  I am not ready for the fingerless gloves that I wear from November to oh, about June.  But clearly I have to get ready.

I sort of  worked at getting ready today by the tribe all getting their flu shots.  Lissa is totally unfazed by shots.  Watches calmly, hops down off the table, business done.  KC, um not so much.  In fact, King of Drama doesn't begin to describe the histrionics we were treated to.  I am reasonably sure they heard the wails in  Peru. LOL  Rob finds it all funny which is in itself funny as at 7, he was KC.  Just quieter but no less anxious and uncooperative. LOL  Chet has always been easy about that kind of thing and becuase we went early in the a.m. we were in out and done before much time elapsed.

I finally got my scrapbook program back on my computer, thanks to the work of my lovely and talented wife and I made a scrapbook page for Fiona of our last visit together. It came out cute and of course now the kids are clamoring to have their books updated. They are only 5 months out of date. Sheesh, what is the hurry?  LOL

But despite the snow I am glowing inside! Our church youth group does a coffee house a couple times a year as  a fund raiser for the trips that they do.  Lots of teens perform but so also do lots of other people. Rob has gone before and he has often helped in the kitchen.  This year, he thinks he has decided to perform. Can I just say Woo Hoo!!!!!! He also said it was okay for us to be there and the kids are stoked to see Rob play. I'm excited not just because he is my kid and he plays well. He does, but the fact that he has the self confidence to share that talent in the wider world is what makes me grin!

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