Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Planning our visit to Fiona

Fiona and Jane called last evening. Fi was in a very upbeat mood and eager to finish planning our visit on Saturday.  We are going to a zoo in the Big City which all the kids are looking forward to.  I said I would pack the sandwiches, chips and dessert if Fiona would do the beverages.  I know the school has single serve containers of drinks so this makes for an easy way for her to  contribute to the visit.  Hopefully, Cousin N and her daughter are joining us there but Jane sounded a little sketchy about that.  I hope they follow through.

I have felt very badly because this past Sunday was a family event at the Great School in the Big City and logistically I just could not get us there.  We had church commitments that I could not reshuffle and Rob had something he was involved in with the Youth Group.  I explained this to Fiona and she was fine with it but for the first time asked if we were Christian. We are not, and I explained that and gave the 10 second version of our faith.  I said that Rob was very involved in youth group and had a lot of friends and did a lot of cool things both for fun and to help others with them. That was fine with Fiona but she was worried that if we were not Christian we wouldn't wind up in the "right" heaven so we could all be together when we died.

Truthfully I don't really believe in heaven in that way but I know how important this concept is to my daughter.  Though she does not practice a particular faith at this  point and has not for many years, she did have a strong Christian influence in her life at one point. 

I said I really believe that it is about living a good life and that there are lots of roads through lots of churches to the same heaven and not to worry.  She was good with that.  Whew!

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