Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Word Choices Matter

I got an email from Jane this morning.  She is back from vacation and we should hear from she and Fiona tonight.  Jane said that Fiona's DCF worker met with her recently and told her that they had found her first mother but before visits could happen "Fiona needed to interact positively with the family she has."  I know this means not just me and the kids but also her cousin N.  But still, it makes me angry as all get out.  Our relationship is not a lollipop to hold out as a tool for some sort of good behavior.  Or to get something that she wants with all her heart.  How can our relationship continue to grow and flourish in that type of setting? I do not feel she has not acted positively overall.  Not every phone call is sunshine and light but who in life always is?

I know that contact with her first mother is going to make for big hills in the relationship road.  I know Rob is not thrilled about even talking about their first mother. There is a big cauldron of anger over her actions past and present and sadness over what he does remember and what he cannot.  But he is grounded enough that we are getting through this (knock wood) okay. I think at the very least he knows that we love him utterly and completely and that will not change regardless of what decisions he chooses to make about seeing Mom J.

Why did they not just leave it at "we need to go slowly and work on this together. Let's start with a letter"  Letter writing is always the first step anyhow!

I don't like her DCF worker anyway, this did not do much to change that!

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