Sunday, July 18, 2010

Camping Re-cap

We almost didn't get to go camping!  We got everything loaded, the camper hitched. . . and discovered we had directionals on the camper but no brake lights.  This was so not good.  I could tell K felt badly because I had specifically said to her to "make sure the brake lights were fine."  It was one of those weird things of just having a gut feeling.  The camper was gone over last year and a bad ground was resolved so realistically she had no reason to suspect there would be a problem.  But there was. And we were scrambling around looking for repair help til after 12.  We had hoped to be on site by 12 so that was kind of a bummer.  However at least we GOT there, and at least we hitched early in the day (9 a.m.) so we knew in enough time to get the dratted thing fixed.

And I am so glad we got there.  The weather was stellar.  We had fun at the ocean, we had fun at the pool.  The people on one side of us had boys 6 and 7 who hung out with KC Lissa and Rob most of the weekend.  They were cute running around the sites in their little pack. We had glow sticks and campfires, silly songs and stories under the stars.  I really was sorry we were heading home today when it was time to pack up, but we have another jaunt planned for mid August so there is more camping fun on the horizon.

Looking at Lissa racing around camp, it was hard to remember back to when she was an infant--even too small for the pack and play.  She had this bubble cocoon gizmo we would put her in for sleeping and I just wore her on me during the day.Now?  Now, she is a Miss with a mission--to be part of and experience everything fully.

KC brought the money he has been saving for months and proudly bought his own snacks at the snack shack the camp ground runs.  Every evening a rainbow push up icey, every morning a cinnamon bun.  It got so when they saw him coming they knew what he'd be eating. LOL

Rob always is easy at camping.  He adapts well to the free flowing nature of it as long as it isn't more than 4 or 5 days.   Beyond that, the lack of structure starts to wear on him.

My "star" though was Chet who often has challenges with camping.  He always comes but has a hard time as a rule. This year, aside from breaking his tent (sigh) he did remarkably well.  He was helpful and pulled the wagon with our gear for me when we walked to the beach.  And he was able to process and listen to me when I was giving him cues which is pretty huge.  The ocean has had a lot of rip currents at the beach we go to this season and seen a few tragedies.  I had laid down our water safety rules and everyone followed them to a T.  I was probably hyper vigelent but it was still fun and the ocean, even in those situations is more do-able for Chet than a pool situation ever can be.

So we are home, with a bit of a sun burn and wonderful memories.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Glad y'all had such an awesome time camping! Almost makes me miss doing it, but since we live in the country we do it full-time :-)