Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bragging on Robbie

Today was Youth Sunday at church.  Our Youth Group did the entire service (times 2 as we have a dual service format.)  Rob was part of that this year and I am so over the moon proud of him.  He was one of 15 kids in the Youth Choir and one of 8 kids who participated in a skit.  This, from my quiet guy. That makes this even more meaningful. After the service he worked on a bake sale in fellowship hall because the Youth Group are raising money for their fall trip to a shelter co-op in a New England state. This co-op helps with housing food, clothing and more for a very impoverished local and also migrant population. 

Chet and I were responsible for coffee hour for folks who did n't want to buy food.  We were told to make it "lame"  LOL  So I did fruit and bagels and coffee and juice.  It was a good intro to doing coffee hour for Chet and he handled it pretty well over all.  He had fun, but he needed a few firm re-directions and some processing here at home so that we can make the next time, when it would be a more elaborate spread, less stressful. (at least for me!  LOL)

K has been gone all day on her runaway day, and after church Rob was invited to a friends house for a few hours.  The littles and I did grocery shopping, the library and picked up Rob's glaucoma med.  I made a soup for tomorrows supper and made texas french toast for tonight's supper.  Now I am going to convince the littles that they want early baths and PJs because at 6:30 I have to drive Rob and his friend back to our church.  This is way past the wee ones bedtimes so I expect they will crash by the time we get home at 7:30. Thus, bed attire.  I am going to spin it as a "silly car ride."  At their age, you put the word silly in front of anything and they want to do it!  LOL

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