Sunday, November 15, 2009

Smiling through Sunday

Most of the rain has passed and left in its place unseasonably warm temps. I"ll totally take them, dreading as I do the onslaught of truly cold weather. It has been so nice to flex my fingers without pain in NOVEMBER! Really unusual. Today was so warm that after church the little kids and I took a long mile and a half walk with no coats. Sure we had on sweatshirts, but people, sweatshirts in November in NE? Don't tell me global warming isn't a possibility! LOL (this is an ongoing debate between my wife and I. I think it is a real risk, she thinks it is a normal part of a larger cycle. . . but I digress)

I was amazed that both littles wanted to walk so far and so long. But we were taking our time, feeling moss, looking for acorns and beech nuts. Throwing rocks in the fast flowing streams, and finding the last few blooming flowers in sheltered nooks of gardens that we passed. We walked on stone walls and marched, skipped, leaped and jumped.
Lissa also got her hair braided while the boys and I were at church. You can't tell well from the picture but the beads are all harvest tones to go with her Thanksgiving dress which is tan with apples across the border. I love the colors of the beads, they are soft and warm and remind me of kernels of Indian corn.

1 comment:

Mama Drama Times Two said...

Don'tchya just LOVE New England??!!!!