Thursday, December 3, 2009

Yule tide decorating!

Somehow, in my efforts at photographing Yule decorations, I took the picture in a lopsided way.  So you get a bit of the Chinese writing at the top border of our bedroom and a relatively good idea of the cute arrangement K made on the display shelf.  I love holiday decorations but like serene bedrooms, so this fits the ticket perfectly!

I also have more news on a phone call with Fiona but will write when my head is not aching.  However it is not a true migraine, just a bad headache so I can't complain.  I have had NO diet soda (sob) since 10/21/09 and coincidentally NO migraines since then.  I still drink coffee once a day and tea several times a day so it isn't hte caffeine thing.  I think it is the aspartame.

1 comment:

Mama Drama Times Two said...

Figuring out migraine triggers is tough...My neurologist gave me a great explantion about how sometimes the triggers we blame are actually neutral, but then another unknown trigger intersects and WHAMBO!!!!! In any case - MIGRAINES SUCK.