Monday, December 27, 2010

Family Time

It has been a good day.  We got the snow but accumulations were not anywhere near what was predicted.  Which probably means that some day when they tell us we are going to get a dusting that we will get buried.  Meteorology is still more art than science, if you want my opinon. 

The older boys shovelled out our driveway and our elderly neighbors.  I was impressed as they just went next door and did his drive without asking me and without asking him.  E. is a sweet fellow and his wife needs constant care so although he has some power equipment it is extremely hard for him to do his snow removal.

While the boys did their work, the littles and I worked inside in our living room.  Last  year after Christmas I was overwhelmed with the MESS. The aftermath of toys and games hither and yon.  It was awful.  Not that I spend beaucoup bucks on Christmas.  It was more about the fact that there just wasn't a decent storage system in place.  I spent a whole day last  year post Yule helping the kids sort their toys so that like went with like and things were stored in a way that made sense. Then when we finished last  year, we took pics with the digital camera so that there was a visual cue on each cubby or bin as to what belonged there.

 Over the course of the year, things have degraded a bit and it wasn't as pristine as it was at the start of the year.  But it still wasn't bad.  It took only about an hour or so to review the old toys and see what was broken, or outgrown, and incorporate the new toys in.  We had to change up a few bins.  Legos now needed more bins than before for instance.  Games took a bigger section as well,but all in all it was done quickly.  Even more impressive, KC suggested doing this.  Last year you would have thought I was killing them. This year, the lack of order was bothering him.  Huge folks!

After we finished the littles and I went outside to play in the snow for awhile.  I have today and tomorrow off from work so we are maximizing our family time together.  We spent time playing Wii fit together this afternoon and KC and I listened to his ipod together while we waited our turns.  It has been so much fun.

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