Thursday, November 4, 2010

Elisabeth's First Mom wants pictures

None of my children have open adoptions.  This is not something that I engineered, it is just how their particular situations evolved.  Chet was abandoned in another country and we don't even know what his name was at birth. 

Rob has first family connections but not with his first mother.  With siblings, cousins, and aunts. 

When we did the adoption plans for our two youngest we actually said we were willing to have open adoptions but in both cases, due to circumstances in their personal lives, the parents decided on closed adoptions.  Despite those choices, every year I send a letter to those mom's in care of the adoption agency.  I also send a bunch of pictures of the kids.  I try to make the letter as newsy as I can without sounding braggy, if you know what I mean.  I talk about what they like to do, facets of their personalities that have developed, experiences they like, gestures or phrases they use etc. 

Yesterday, the agency called the house.  I was at work.  The director said that Elisabeth's mom had contacted the agency and wanted pictures.  I have no problem with that.  I just finished printing out an entire collage of pictures for her.  I also printed off the letter I usually send in December to the agency for her mom to get with the pictures.

What annoys me is that my wife got the impression from the phone call that the agency didn't keep those pictures I have been sending on file.  That makes me livid, as some part of me always hoped that those women would come forward and that at a minimum, my letters and pictures would be there to help them know their children are doing well and are loved.

I also wrote in my letter to her that I would be happy to send enlargements of any picture(s) that she especially likes and that we would really really love it if she would be comfortable sending a picture of herself .  I have a picture of KC's mom in his first scrapbook.  Rob has pictures of relatives, though I was never able to get a picture of his mom.  I think it will be very important for Lissa to be able to have that picture and I hope her mom knows I really spoke from a place of honestly and respect.

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