Sunday, November 14, 2010

Passing on the Patriots???

Today was a busy day.  We had church this morning and I was filling in for our religious ed director who is presently on sabbatical in Costa Rica.  So we had to be there extra early. Then I had to return later in the day to chair a meeting of the RE committee.  After that I had to stop at the dreaded store that begins with W and ends with "art".  I hate this store. It is big. I get lost.  But I also eventually find good deals which was why I needed to go there.  We need a decent storage system for the gigantic amount of mittens and hats that a family of 6 uses in the N.E. winter.  I got home and never even went on line.

At supper a friend from church called. We often car pool her son and our Rob to youth group. Both of us live in the same city, which is a good 20 minute drive from the city our church is in, so it really helps out.  I told her that sadly he was not going to Youth Group today because we had all ready made 2 trips and that was pretty much my quota.  Sweet friend that she  is, she offered to take Rob both ways if he wanted to go as her son would be going regardless. 

I didn't think Rob would actually take her up on it, but he is sort of interested in a girl at youth group.  Apparently young love tops the New England Patriots, though he did ask us to tape the game!

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